Consumer decision making is consumers identify their needs, collect information, evaluation plan, and make a purchase decision.These actions are decided by the psychological and economic factors, and influenced by environmental factors such as culture, group and social value.
It is nothing like a true example, in order to better understand the five stages of consumer purchase decision process.Maybe this situation sounds familiar.
Stage 1 – Need recognition: Sunday night.Are you hungry (internal physiological stimulation) and no in the fridge.Need you to order (statement).
Stage 2 – Information search: You have asked Indian restaurants in the street last month (inside information).A pizza shop friends recommend your neighbors (information) in the external environment.This morning, and you find a sushi restaurant flyer your email (the external information from advertising).
Stage 3 – Alternative evaluation:you have a bad opinion of Indian restaurants have been sick the last time you (can).Recommended by the pizza place is your friend, is also a famous brand awareness - caused by the combination (positive).As for the sushi restaurant, it obtained high praise Tripadvisor (positive perception - combination).
Stage 4 – Purchase decision:The possibility that the assessment, you have decided to choose famous pizza chains.In addition, a new is your favorite TV show on TV tonight.
Stage 5 – Post-purchase behavior: Pizza is good (positive review).But you know there are too many calories, you regret it a bit (feel).The next time you will choose sushi restaurant.Have less fat than pizza (future purchase behavior) sushi!